


If you're traveling during the holidays, the gym may be the last place on your mind. It's important to maintain your fitness and muscle mass throughout the festive season and our Sports Scientist has come up with a basic holiday training program that you can do anywhere and anytime. Best of all, it’s only 3 days of the week that you need to exercise!

In this holiday training program, the focus is on full-body movements and non-weighted exercises. We want to maintain optimal strength by keeping the program on a challenging level. We will establish strength maintained by exercising to rep max and rep failure with training exercises.

Basic Terminology:

WOD Work out of the day
AMRAP As Many Reps as Possible
SET A group of repetitions

DAY 1:

Lower body workout: 45 Minute Session with 45 to 75 second breaks in-between each rep and/or set. Start with a 5-minute warm-up or dynamic stretching. (This can include 3 minutes of Cardio Vascular exercise.)

Exercise Reps Sets
Lunges 30 3
Weightless squats 30 3
Side kicks 30 3
Forward kicks 30 3
Butt kicks 30 3
Sumo squats 30 3
Side / lateral squats 30 3
Standing calf raises 30 3
Laying (on back) leg raises 30 3
Crunches 30 3
Flutter kicks 30 3

End your session with a 5-minute cooldown, static stretching or yoga.

DAY 2:

Rest Day

DAY 3 :

Upper body workout: 45 Minute Session with 45 – 75 second breaks in-between each rep and/or set. Start with a 5-minute warm-up or dynamic stretching. (This can include 3 minutes of Cardio Vascular exercise.)

Exercise Reps Sets
Pike push-ups 30 3
T-rotation push-ups 30 3
Wide (wider than shoulder-width) push-ups 30 3
Scapular contraction shrugs 30 3
Chair tricep dips 30 3
Air punches 30 3
Side crunches 30 3
Front plank 45 sec 3
Side plank 45 sec 3
Static V-sit 45 sec 3
Reverse plank 45 sec 3

End your session with a 5-minute cooldown, static stretching or yoga.

DAY 4 :

Rest Day

DAY 5 :

Mixed and explosive workout: 1 Hour session with 45-75 second breaks in-between each rep and/or set. Start with a 5-minute warm-up or dynamic stretching. (This can include 3 minutes of Cardio Vascular exercise.)


Exercise Reps Sets
Single leg squat 20 each leg 3
Single leg calf raises 20 each leg 3
Diamond push ups 30 3
Clap pushups (explosive) 10 3
Static alt arm/leg superman plank 45 sec 3
Bicycle crunches alt arm/ leg 30 each side 3
Seated (on the floor) Russian twists 30 each side 3
WOD: Fatigue
Exercise Reps Sets
Mountain climbers AMRAP 4
Burpees AMRAP 3
Acceleration sprints 25 meters 8
Side shuffles (keep it low/low center of gravity) 25 meters (each side) 8
Jump squats forward (froggy jumps) 10 5
Star jumps 10 8

End your session with a 5-minute cooldown, static stretching or yoga.

DAY 6 & 7:

Rest Days


You may also choose to do this training plan provided above in this way described below:

1) Day 1 – Workout Day

2) Day 2 – Workout Day

3) Day 3 – Rest Day

4) Day 4 – Rest Day

5) Day 5 – Workout Day

6) Day 6 – Rest Day

7) Day 7 – Rest Day


Shorter breaks (45 seconds or less) – would mean higher intensity (as less rest).

Longer breaks (75 seconds or more) – would mean lower intensity (as more rest).